Jerry's Blogs

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On a Beautiful 3-Day Weekend...

...I spent most of it working, and the rest of it sleeping and eating.

The weird part isn't that I started at 11am Saturday and worked till 3am Sunday morning. It also wasn't that I strangely ended up at Denny's with the same group of people until 5am. And it even wasn't how I passed out in the back seat of my car until 8:30am (thank you Chuck Norris).

No, the weird part was none of that. It was the fact that I ended up back at work around 2pm on Sunday and Monday. And I had a great time all 3 days. What a refreshing sense of accomplishment to (very nearly) finishing a long overdue project. It was also the first time ever that I've really worked with Minh on ... anything ... And I'm happy to say that I really do like working with the guy. He's sharp and I think he makes me more confident and egotistical about my software engineering rants.

I'd say the downsides to the weekend were not seeing Wendy enough, and not getting around to any of my homework :( That's all going to suck later.



  • At February 21, 2008 at 1:05 AM , Blogger Dmonster said...

    wow, you were really productive. I, on the other hand, wasted all three days like no other. And then realized I had a midterm on Tuesday..... and didn't start studying until 3am that day. =)


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